Digital Leadership

By North (other events)

Wednesday, February 26 2014 4:15 PM 7:30 PM EST

Keynote: Eric Sheninger
Eric is the award-winning Principal at New Milford High School located in Bergen County, NJ. His work focuses on leading and learning in the digital age as a model for moving schools and districts forward. This has led to the formation of the Pillars of Digital Leadership, a framework for all educators to initiate sustainable change to transform school cultures. As a result Eric has emerged as an innovative leader and sought after speaker. His main focus is the use of social media and web 2.0 technology as tools to engage students, improve communications with stakeholders, enhance public relations, create a positive brand presence, discover opportunity, transform learning spaces, and help educators grow professionally. Please visit for more information.
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Breakout Sessions to follow Keynote:
Elementary School Educators Breakout Session:
Co-Moderated by Ms. Samantha Morra and Mr. Scott Rocco
Samantha Morra is an educator with 20 years experience in K-12 schools. She has worked as a teacher, an elementary and middle school technology coordinator and an assistant principal. Samantha has presented throughout the country and is a Google Certified Teacher. She has contributed to books, magazines and television shows discussing special issues in education. Samantha is passionate about technology and its potential to transform education.
Scott Rocco is Superintendent of Schools in Spotswood, New Jersey, adjunct professor at The College of New Jersey, instructor in the NJEXCEL program, and co-founder/co-moderator of #Satchat on Twitter. He is also a founding member of EdCampNJ. Scott has given keynote, conference and group presentations on the use of social media for educators, school safety, marketing yourself, digital citizenship, and various leadership topics. Scott is dedicated to positively and productively engaging educators in a dialogue that improves student learning, enhances instruction, and creates effective learning environments for all who attend and work in schools.

Middle School Educators Breakout Session:
Co-Moderated by Mr. Brad Currie and Mr. Matthew Hall
Brad Currie is the Dean of Students/Supervisor of Instruction for Black River Middle School in Chester, New Jersey. He is passionate about Personal Learning Networks (PLNs), educational technology and social media in the school setting. Brad began his career as a middle school social studies and computer education teacher for the Hanover Township School District in Whippany, New Jersey. He then transitioned to the field of administration in 2009 as a middle school Vice Principal/Athletic Director for the Readington Township School District in Whitehouse Station, New Jersey. Brad is the co-founder and co-moderator of a weekly Twitter discussion for lead learners called #Satchat.
Matthew Hall is the Supervisor of Science and Technology for The Bernards Township School District. Prior to this position, Matt was the Supervisor of Math, Science, and Technology, as well as the District Testing Coordinator for The Readington Township School District. He began his career as a Forensic Science and Biology teacher at Columbia High School, in South Orange - Maplewood, New Jersey. Matt's passion is in 21st century learning, STEM, and educational technology.

High School Educators Breakout Session:
Co-Moderated by Mr. Jay Eitner and Mrs. Rebecca McLelland - Crawley
Jay Eitner is Superintendent for The Lower Alloways Creek School District. He has presented a series of workshops on digital leadership, technology infusion, and student achievement for grades K-12. Prior to becoming Superintendent, Jay served as a middle school Assistant Principal, and K-12 Supervisor of Social Studies. Jay began teaching in the Roselle and East Brunswick Public Schools. During his time in East Brunswick, he wrote & received over $140,000 in grants. Grants ranged from podcasting equipment to creating a fully-interactive goldrush experience, where students dug for gold during their westward expansion unit. Jay obtained his supervisor, principal, and school administrator certificates from the NJPSA NJ-EXCEL program in 2009.
Rebecca McLelland-Crawley is a National Board Certified Teacher and the K-12 Science Supervisor for West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District. She serves on the Project 24 team of national experts for the Alliance for Educational Excellence, assisting teachers and school districts as they make the digital transition. In 2011, Rebecca received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching based on her effective approaches with blended classroom and problem-based learning to teach AP Environmental Science, Marine Biology, and Biology. She is the past Co-President of the Biology Teachers Association of NJ and an executive board member at-large of NJASCD North.


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